Atomic Habits: a personal summary
Here is my summary of Atomic Habits based on each chapter, and I hope this information can give you an idea of what the book is about, so you can read it yourself and get all of the benefits.
One of the projects I am working right now is based on Event Sourcing and CQRS. Both concepts are not the core content of this post but I think it is nice add some context for better understanding.
One of the components of the application is an event bus or event manager, and for that, I am using the GenEvent behavior.
In summary, the application works following the steps below:
So, basically we have one Event Manager and two Handlers, one for the commands and another one for the events. I will not go into details how GenEvent works in this post, but the Elixir GenEvent documentation is an excellent place to go if you have questions about it.
Assuming you know how GenEvent in general works, the following situations need to be considered in terms of fault tolerance:
The most important part of the Let it Crash philosophy is, in a deterministic way, define what happens when something fails, due the fact that nothing will happen just magically.
Let's use a Supervisor in our application that will supervise my Event Manager (and later, the handlers as well). When my application starts it calls start_link/0
in MyApp.EventSupervisor
defmodule MyApp do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
children = [
supervisor(MyApp.EventSupervisor, [])
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Here is my EventSupervisor
module that will call start_link/0
in MyApp.EventManager
defmodule MyApp.EventSupervisor do
use Supervisor
@server __MODULE__
def start_link do
Supervisor.start_link(@server, :ok, [name: @server])
def init(:ok) do
children = [
worker(MyApp.EventManager, [])
supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
My Event Manager simply starts itself:
defmodule MyApp.EventManager do
@server __MODULE__
def start_link do
GenEvent.start_link [{:name, @server}]
# code omitted
In case my MyApp.EventManager
crashes for any reason, MyApp.EventSupervisor
will be notified and it knows how to restart the manager.
As the handlers can crash themselves but also are dependent on the event manager health, the supervision is more complex.
Let's have a third component, that we can call it a Watcher. This watcher will be responsible for add the handler back in the manager in case of a handler failure, and it crashes itself when the event manager crashes.
The handler watcher is a simple GenServer that monitors the event manager process and it knows how to add the handler in the manager. In my application, as I have two handlers I will have one watcher for each handler. Below is an example of one of them:
defmodule MyApp.CommandHandlerWatcher do
use GenServer
@server __MODULE__
def start_link(event_manager) do
GenServer.start_link(@server, event_manager, [name: @server])
def init(event_manager) do
@doc """
Stops this watcher in a case of Event Manager goes down.
def handle_info({:DOWN, _, _, {MyApp.EventManager, _node}, _reason}, _from) do
{:stop, "EventManager down.", []}
@doc """
Handles EXIT messages from the GenEvent handler and restarts it.
def handle_info({:gen_event_EXIT, _handler, _reason}, event_manager) do
{:ok, event_manager} = start_handler(event_manager)
{:noreply, event_manager}
defp start_handler(event_manager) do
case GenEvent.add_mon_handler(event_manager, MyApp.CommandHandler, []) do
:ok -> {:ok, event_manager}
{:error, reason} -> {:stop, reason}
The last missing piece is supervise the watchers, restarting them, as they will crash when the event manager crashes, as we defined that way. Let's add in our current EventSupervisor
two more workers.
defmodule MyApp.EventSupervisor do
alias MyApp.{EventManager, CommandHandlerWatcher, EventHandlerWatcher}
# code omitted
def init(:ok) do
children = [
worker(EventManager, []),
worker(CommandHandlerWatcher, [EventManager]),
worker(EventHandlerWatcher, [EventManager])
supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
It is important to notice that the watchers add the handlers using GenEvent.add_mon_handler/3
and monitor the event manager with Process.monitor/1
. These functions will make the watchers receive exit messages from both handler and manager, and it will be handled by handle_info/2
functions using pattern matching.